3-6th October 2025 in Mudgee, NSW.
Plans are being made and further details will be up here soon, but so far, we have booked Club Mudgee, bang in the centre of town, so when looking for accommodation, aim for a centre spot, saying that, Mudgee isn’t too big and the whole town is a relatively easy walk.
There are accommodation options to suit all budgets, from tents in one of the caravan parks to a fancy boutique hotel or AirBnB – but get them booked quick, it is a popular spot and the public holiday weekend will be busy.
Mudgee has three servos in the main street, fuel is more expensive here, but there are also better options just out of town. So no excuses for turning up for any ride-out needing fuel! We do not plan to stop on our ride-outs, – again, more details soon…..
Loose plans – more soon, but this is the basics:
Friday 3rd October
Arrival day – For those in town already, we may do a sneaky winery ride – Club Mudgee is booked for the evening
Saturday 4th October
Ride-out – meet at 10am – Back for Show n Shine – Club Mudgee is booked for the evening with band
Sunday 5th October
Ride-out – meet at 10am – Club Mudgee is booked for the evening for awards presentation
Monday 6th Oct
Brekkie and farewells as we head homeward…..